Our targets

How we measure success:

纤维100%来自可持续管理的森林或在保护森林的同时回收的纤维, watersheds and biodiversity
Our approach


十大正规赌平台平台的成功取决于森林的可持续性——十大正规网赌游戏平台星球的未来也是如此. 十大正规网赌游戏平台坚定不移地致力于领导全球森林管理工作. Our commitment is also core to our climate action strategy.

健康的森林提供清洁的空气和水,培育生物多样性.6 billion people worldwide depend on them for their livelihoods. 因为纸制品的创造始于森林, 十大正规网赌游戏平台承诺只使用来自可持续管理森林的纤维, as well as recovered fiber, to make our products. Beyond our supply chain, 十大正规网赌游戏平台致力于与其他各方合作,保护和恢复世界各地具有重要生态意义的森林.

十大正规赌平台平台的全球纤维采购政策是十大正规网赌游戏平台对健康和丰富森林的承诺的基础. 十大正规网赌游戏平台认识到,可持续管理的森林可以维持和促进经济发展, 社会和环境价值,造福今世后代. 十大正规网赌游戏平台致力于生产客户需要的产品,同时成为世界自然资源的负责任的管家.

Our approach begins with responsible fiber sourcing, including performing due diligence, validating origin, 通过ForSite™进行第二方验证,并让木材供应商和林地所有者参与可持续管理实践. 十大正规网赌游戏平台运营透明的纤维采购系统,与十大正规网赌游戏平台的安全核心价值观相一致, Ethics and Stewardship. 

We also use third-party certification systems, including the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ (PEFC), 和可持续林业倡议®(SFI®),以核实从可持续管理的森林采购,并根据客户需求提供认证产品. 

A pie chart shows a breakdown of IP's fiber procurement
Forest Certification

2022 Impact

到2022年,79%的纤维来源经过验证,来自可持续管理的森林,或通过FSC®等森林管理标准的第三方认证, PEFC™, SFI® or Recycled Content. Of this, 34% is third-party certified (4% FSC, 30% SFI/PEFC). 

The remaining 21% of fiber volume complies with International Paper ’s Global Fiber Procurement Policy; we will continue to increase verification efforts toward our Vision 2030 goal.

A working forest tour

Join our forestry experts for a walk in the woods

Strategic collaborations 


  • American Bird Conservancy

    美国鸟类保护协会致力于保护美洲各地的野生鸟类及其栖息地. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, ABC takes on the greatest problems facing birds today, 创新和利用科学的快速进步来阻止物种灭绝, protect habitats, eliminate threats and build capacity for bird conservation. 十大正规赌平台平台与美国鸟类保护协会合作,通过与十大正规网赌游戏平台的纤维供应团队合作,为濒危鸟类提供关键的栖息地条件, forestry experts, wood suppliers and landowners in our mill basins in the U.S. South. Our initiatives include bird surveys, academic research collaborations, 实施对鸟类友好的森林管理措施,并与土地所有者财团合作举办讲习班, conservation organizations and community partners. See more.

  • Family Forest Carbon Program

    十大正规网赌游戏平台与美国森林基金会(AFF)和大自然保护协会(TNC)一起支持家庭森林碳计划,以加强美国各地家庭拥有的林地的碳固存.S. Families own the largest portion of all forests in the country, 这个项目代表了减缓气候变化的一种新方法,它挖掘了家庭拥有林地的碳储存潜力,同时为那些投入时间和精力管理森林的家庭创造了一个新的市场和收入来源.  

  • The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)

    Launched in 2013, 十大正规赌平台平台与国家鱼类和野生动物基金会之间的林地管理伙伴关系(FSP)促进了有利于野生动物的有针对性的投资, people and the planet. Now entering its second decade, FSP已经在12个州资助了156个项目, enhance or protect more than 1.2 million acres of forest habitat once all projects are completed. In 2022, IP announced the renewal for another five-year period, 承诺投入1000万美元用于野生动物和森林保护.